Wow! What a day we had yesterday! After a long hard year of renovating our shop premises we finally opened the doors to our bricks and mortar shop! It has been such a hectic week getting all the final prepeartions...
Hello everyone! I thought I should really give an update on how things are progressing with the renovations in the shop as I realised today how quickly time had flown by and how long it has been since I last...
After two weeks of lots and lots of painting since my last post I am now really pleased to say that the studio has been completely painted!! Only the floor to oil and the light fittings to go up and...
It's been another really busy week for us this week at 169. My parents came down from Scotland too which has been such a great help. Most of the building has had its first coat of paint on the new...
Bringing you all the latest progress updates a little later than normal this week as I have been so busy working on the renovations myself this week. We came to the realisation that getting the whole of the interior of...
Happy New Year everyone!!! I know its been a little while since I last posted an update but the renovations have still been continuing over the past month. We are getting to the stage now that although things are happening...
Things are quite on site at 169 today and with good reason....the liquid screed on the ground floor is setting right at this moment and we can't walk on it till it starts drying out! Getting the insulation, underfloor heating...
Work is still ticking along at 169 and the building, soon to be my new shop, is finally getting water tight! The major step achieved this week has been getting two sections of flat roof felted and flashed - thats...
The weather has been sooo terrible here this week. Thankfully there are plenty of things that we can do inside. The Chandaliers we picked up on ebay finally arrived all the way from Turkey so we unpacked them and had...
Wow -what a week at 169 it's been! The big bay window finally got delivered and fitted and I love it already, even though its still to be painted, archatrive to be fitted and roof sealed off. The original one...
This week the original floor boards in the big room upstairs (which will eventually be the studio area for all our workshops!) have been sanded, sanded again, then again, then again, then I lost count! There were covered in so...
The big reveal this week (which all you localers will have seen already!) is at last the scaffolding is down from the front of the building! The bay window is pretty much the same...apart from more of the old glazing...
Things are still ticking along at 169 and its getting to the exciting stage of things starting to look slick, new and clean. The replica window that was made to replace the little four section window right at the top...
First of all my apologies to any regular readers of the renovation posts for a bit of a delay in the fifteenth edition. Despite tumble weed blowing across the blog things have been busy busy busy on site. The boarding...
Its all looking pretty awesome inside the new shop building....if I don't say so myself! The upstairs room in the original building (which will become the workroom/studio) is almost finished apart from the window and door frames getting re-fitted. All...
Tick tock the clock doesn't stop...its been another busy week even though the weather's been bleak. The ceiling in the first floor hall now goes all the way up to the apex of the roof. After the roof was replaced...
Wow! I can't believe I'm already on part twelve! I've been roughly doing a renovations post every week which makes it way more than 12 weeks since we started - which is scary! Things are changing so fast now and...
It's been another busy week on site at 169. Lots more things have been happening but more on the organisational side........insulation and plaster boards have been ordered, underfloor heating and concrete has been quoted and ordered and decisions about lighting...
Things have been really busy onsite for the last week or so...hence the lack of blog and renovation updates. Ayaz and I have been painting the Tudor paneling ourselves in the lovely hot dry weather last week which has eaten...
This week things are continuing to progesss well on the site of our new business premises. We now have half a roof completed! The last time I showed you we were a bit exposed to the elements! But in just...
Quite a lot has happened since I last updated you all on how the renovation of the new business premises is coming along. A few things seem to be happening all at the same time as well which is really...