Renovations - Part Nine

This week things are continuing to progesss well on the site of our new business premises.

We now have half a roof completed! The last time I showed you we were a bit exposed to the elements!

But in just a few days new felt was laid down and new lathes placed over it for the tiles to hang onto.

There is still the other half of the roof to do though. We're just waiting on the second bit of the scaffolding going up so they can have access to it.

So in the mean time we're still without ridge tiles. This fancy post thing (probably does have a special name but I don't know it) goes one at the front and one at the back of the roof ridge. I hadn't even really noticed it before unitl it was taken down. Thankfully its still in great condition.

We've been working more on the Tudor paneling and its now almost all been stripped of the old black paint, been treated with various special wood treatments to prevent more rot and then filled and sanded down. We started priming the white paneling inbetween as well. Still got several coats of paint to go and I feel already I know more about exterior paint that I ever thought I would or in fact wanted to know! But it'll all be worth it! I'm really excited about the roof being finished and the paint work coming on as the whole place will start to look nice again instead of dirty and dusty.

Here is Ayaz painting on the primer with possibly the smallest brush ever! So it was a quick trip to homebase for some rollers to speed the job up and then I left him to it!

Work has also started on the back gable end of the shop building which I'm really excited about.

This picture below is a view of the main gap at the back of the shop. The picture was tricky to take as there was a scaffolding tower in front of it, hence the strange angle. They've just done a few courses of bricks so far but I think it looks really good. We've re-used the bricks from the section of the old wing that was taken down so they fit in really well with the character of the building.

The floor is looking even more like a floor now that the first layer of slurry has gone over the block and beams.

They have also made it up to damp course level around the house so most of the tricky parts there are over now and the only way is up! as the saying goes!

So your now completely up to date. I took most these pictures today. I'm really hoping that the weather stays dry, the scaffolding goes up on time and the roofers work to plan. Then this time next week I'll hopefully be reporting a completed roof and Tudor paneling that's really starting to look as it should!