


Sewing Studio Tour
Our revamped sewing studio
Sneak Peak Learn to Sew with Lauren and Launch Party Details
With less than a month before my book, Learn to Sew, is published (read more about that in this blog post) I wanted to share a little sneak peak of the book with you. I was so excited when I...
Maker Gallery - June
The maker gallery posts are back (for the first time this year!-eeek!). I love seeing what everyone has made and the different ideas they have through Facebook and Twitter and I get some lovely emails too from people who have...
Maker Gallery - September
It's been another busy month here (I'll reveal why soon) and I've been trying to keep up with taking pics of all the lovely things you guys are making in the workshops and coming in to show us in the...
Maker Gallery June
Since opening the shop and starting all the different workshops we have, I've been so impressed with all the lovely things that everyone has been making. It's one of the best parts of the job for me, getting to see...