Renovations - Part Eighteen

This week the original floor boards in the big room upstairs (which will eventually be the studio area for all our workshops!) have been sanded, sanded again, then again, then again, then I lost count!

There were covered in so much dirt and plaster dust I almost don't recognice them now!

Here is a before and after for a comparison but this was taken before all the sanding had been finished so they'll come up even better than that.

The boards had to be washed so they look a bit wet in the picture below, but once they get the clear seal and varnish on top it will really bring the colour and grain out of the wood.

The back windows in the upstairs room are also almost completely in now too. Just a few more glazing panels and apart from being painted, thats almost finished.

The roof of the porch at the front, which is over the front door, has also been getting re-built this week. For so long, water has been literally running down the walls where the back of the porch roof meets the wall that you see in the picture below. There used to be a large wooden joist holding that wall up, but that had to be replaced with a steel. All the other roof joists were just totally rotten as well so the whole thing came off. The maisonry was then fixed and the head stone above the door way was re-set.

Below is a birds eye view of the roof of the porch.

The picture below is taken from the stairs, looking towards the front door. They used the scaffolding tower to built a platform to work from.

Now the main body of the roof has been constructed. It just needs to be finished off by the roofers and all sealed up. There used to be another wooden piller in that front corner of the porch too, we're still just waiting for that to come.

Big jobs on the agenda next week are...the new bay window is due to arrive so I'm really looking forward to that. Also the plastering in the room downstairs (which is where the shop will be!) also needs to get underway so stay tuned!