Renovations - The Last Instalment
Hello everyone! I thought I should really give an update on how things are progressing with the renovations in the shop as I realised today how quickly time had flown by and how long it has been since I last did a renovation update - so sorry about that. I have been painting and decorating until silly o'clock most nights for the past month and now only managing to try and catch up with everything else.
I'm so pleased (and relieved) to say that things are coming along really really well and we are now so close to being finished thats its all getting a bit scary but also very very exciting too!
An official announcement will follow in the coming weeks but I can now say with a quite a fair amount of certainty that for those of you who have been waiting for the bricks and mortar shop to open....then you should keep the end of April free to come and visit us!!!
I want to keep most of the finishing touches on the interior of building a surprise but I've got a few photos to share to give you a sneeky peek at how things are coming along.
For anyone who lives locally in Moseley/Kings Heath, you may have noticed that we now have a lovely pink front door - instead of a big boarded up black one!
When we first painted it and it was just flat out on the floor it seemed really really pink and I was a bit worried we had made a mistake, but now that its hanging up I really like it! The glass panel takes up most of the door anyway so its not a huge surface area of pink right in your face. It matches the pink in the colour palette on the website too so there was method in the madness.
The other splash of pink to watch out for is on the staircase spindles. The rest of the hallway is quite neutral so we wanted to add a bit of colour just for fun and to put more of a g&g stamp on the place.
We also got our new till working this week too so I had great fun putting through practice transactions and printing off receipts! Who doesn't like a game of shops once in a while!?! especially when there is a barcode scanner involved!
The other really exciting step made this past week was getting the floor layed in the shop and hallway. I have finally said goodbye to most of the dirt and dust and as that big concrete slab got buffed up and covered with a lovely floor finish-I've never been so happy! Now its easy to envisage all my lovely fabrics and yarns being in there as it doesn't look like a building site anymore!! Yay!!! :-D
The hallway floor has come out really well too, its almost done, just a little section to do and then all the skirting boards can be fitted.
We really don't have much of the fabric of the building to finish off now, then its all fixtures and fitting for the shop. Part of the fit has arrived already, its still in bits and needs painted but its getting easier to imagine my wall of yarn and wall of fabric by the day!
I feel like the image of the damp old rickety building we started with almost a year ago is gradually fading away.
So watch this space, I'm counting weeks now, not months, until till we open! There is still a tun of stuff to organise and figure out but I can't wait to throw open the doors and show you all around!