Renovations - Part Twenty-Six

Woop woop.....we're onto the top coats!!! Things are really starting to actually look finished in some places now in the shop! Its all getting very exciting...and very real too! I've been so busy thinking about stripping beams and painting the past few weeks that actually preparing for the shop opening has almost been on the back burner.

We were hoping to have a date for opening by the end of this week but frustratingly a few things have been holding us up. We contacted a few companies about getting the final floor covering arranged and they haven't got back to us despite several phone calls! You'd think if someone calls up asking for a large square footage of flooring that they'd be keen for the business! So that has had to roll over to next week. We also still have a bit of a condensation in the roof space which is causing wet patches to appear in the thats still a biggie on the to do list that's holding us back.

On the positive side though, the beams are almost completely stripped of all the old cruddy paint and the shop room is looking gooooood!

We finished whiting out the place.....

Then started at the top and painted the ceiling and the coving brilliant white...

It really brought the coving out and made it look so smooth! It was looking a bit grubby before....

But once it was painted it covered up all the joins perfectly with just one coat!

Then the difficult job of actually deciding what colour to go on the wall! Que 5 trips to the dulux center for paint samples and a very patchy wall.....

Thankfully we're really pleased with how its come out. It probably looks a bit greyer here that it does in real life....I think its just so lovely to see nice smooth finished walls!

We've had a bit of a leak above the back door which has caused water staining but that should hopefully be sorted out this week and we can just patch over that section.

In the studio up the stairs we started painting the ceiling up in the apex sections. With a double tower Ayaz can just reach right to the top!

We've gone for a Jasmine white for the ceiling and the gable walls so its a bit hard to see in the picture but it's looking really good!

The beams have all been dusted down at the top where the loft space used to be and I've only got a little corner left to strip with the nitromors. Another good day and I'm hoping I'll get that finished off....then just to wax them!

The beams were so dusty at the top but a scrub with a wire brush brought them up a treat! The picture below shows a little section done and the huge difference between before and after.

Coming up......lots and lots more painting! I'm really looking forward to the lighting going up as well and seeing the chandaliers in place! I'm desperate to set an opening date but there are still too many variables at the moment. I promise you'll be the first to know when I do!!

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