To help make choosing workshops easier we have created levels to help you decide which workshop is best suited for you. The levels are designed to be progressive and build your sewing skills. For example if you are choosing a level 4 workshop then to ensure you get the most out it, you will need to complete workshops at a lower level or have the knowledge listed under those lower levels. Please read below to read a breakdown of each level:
Absolute beginner
No sewing experience/not sewn since school or for a long time (over a few years)
Has never used a sewing machine before
Basic sewing experience and practise within the last year
Knows how to use and thread a sewing machine and bobbin independently.
Knows how to construct simple seams and familiar with sewing terminology such as 'right sides together', 'seam allowance' and finishing off the raw edges.
Confident with using a sewing machine and has practised recently (within the last 6 months).
Can complete simple projects, such as a cushion cover or zipped pouch, without difficulty
Has access to a sewing machine at home as we cannot guarantee that projects will be completely finished during the workshop (there may be small bits left to do such as hemming
Has made simple garments in the past 6 months, such as those in Level 3
Has familiarity with using a sewing pattern, measuring themselves and picking a size
Is looking to learn new technique
Can sew simple dressmaking projects without difficulty
Can follow a sewing pattern unaided
Is looking to start using trickier fabrics such as rayon/viscose
A confident sewer who has made many garments using commercial patterns
Comfortable with using trickier fabrics such as lightweight/drapey fabrics and jersey
Some experience with fitting and making minor alterations to patterns