Renovations part one
I thought I'd do a blog post to show you the building where my new haberdashery store and workroom studio business will be in - it doesn't look great now but thats all going to change soon - very soon!
Its a mock Tudor building in the heart of Moseley village, Birmingham, built in 1898, with a stone laid by Mrs Richard Cadbury. It had been used as a boys social club from around the 1920's up until around 2004 and has been a bit...well abandoned since really. After several years of to-ing and fro-ing and months of negotiations and planning, the building is about to have the transformation of its life!
So here are a few pictures to show give you an idea of the 'before'...
Here she is from the main road...all the windows and doors boarded up.
Imagine...a gorgeous porch here....
The cadbury stone...
This is the entrance hall..still with original Minton floor so we'll need to see what we can do with that.
The main hall on the ground floor with the massive bay at the front.
Most of the bay is boarded up at the moment as you can see. It lets a huge amount of light in just now so once we open it up it'll be amazing.
The stair case is still pretty solid, just needs cleaned up a bit.
There used to be internal walls in the hall upstairs but once they were stripped back the original ceiling joists were exposed.
There are lots of bits of the original, and not so original, wall paper too.....
Hmmm...not sure about this one yet, could look good with a lick of paint and some new handles.
And thats the tour. Requires quite a bit of imagination at the moment, but I've got a pretty good picture in my head of what it'll be like and its amazing - so can't want for the transformation to be complete and to show you! I'll be keeping you updated on the blog so stay tuned for another renovation instalment. In the mean time I've got lots of exciting creative projects to share with you.