What a Year - 2014 Round Up!

There is nothing like the dawn of a New Year to stop and take stock of what has happened in the past 12 months.

Time passes really quickly here at g&g as there are always so many different things happening and things to keep on top of. It’s so easy to forget the changes and achievements there have been during the year.

I’ve had a really great year and have been so lucky to have such a lovely little gang of girls to help me keep the place going and the workshops running.

And of course, to have so many amazing customers and followers – it’s you guys that really make it all worthwhile!

Here are a few of the many highlights…..

OMG! We finally got to stock the beautiful Liberty Tana Lawns! What a dream! Back in February we had a party to celebrate!

The second series of the Sewing Bee brought in new gang members and the lovely Jenni joined as one of our workshop tutors!

My unbelievably talented friend Tilly had her first book published, Love at First Stitch! And of course we had a shindig for that too! So chuffed for her!

We held our own Sewing Bee Sunday to raise money for Parkinson’s UK.

Rachael joined our team and it felt like she had always been here pretty much right away! How did we cope without her?!

In September my own book, Learn to Sew with Lauren, was published. It all felt surreal! It was really exciting to finally have it out there in the world after a hell of a lot of time and hard work. I was so happy to celebrate it with lots of the lovely customers I’ve come to know and with my family and friends too.

Of course we have had so many fun workshops over the year!

And then before we knew it, Michael Buble was singing on the ipod singing Silent Night and it was Christmas again!

Phew! What a year!

So after a quick breather over Christmas, and a little get away in January, I’m back and ready to do it all and even more for 2015!

Happy New Year Everyone!