Maker Gallery July

As ever I'm always really happy to see what everyone has been making each month and this past month has been no exception!

Here is a round up of some of the amazingness you've stitched up.....

Claire and Elspeth made these lovely Moneta Dresses, don't they look great!?

This is Ellen who made a lovely Colette Macaroon Dress and used our cotton embroidered tulle for the yoke section. Congratulations on your graduation!

Debbie made a cute sleeveless summer Laurel Dress

Liz made a Laurel too in one of our workshops - there are still spaces left on the 2 day workshop in August - click here for booking details.

Neil made this amazing Negroni shirt! I'm so impressed! Look at all those stripes he's negotiated!

Jess made these brilliant Margot PJ's from Love at First Stitch using this cute cat fabric!

Erin made this gorgeous Macaroon Dress too! You know I love a bit of colour blocking.

Rachel made this lovely dress for her daughter in the girls summer dress workshop - booking details here for the next date!

Sienna made this really cute dress for herself and a lovely little watermelon purse in one of our kids workshops. Well done her!

How amazing is this picnic basket made from an old suitcase - lined in some of our anchor fabric!? I so want one of these!

This lovely Violet blouse that Cath is making looks light and breezy for summer.

Michelle made this great rail fence block in our intro to patchwork workshop (more dates of this workshop will be available soon!)

Elizabeth made this fantastic hat and espadrilles using our 'Breaking Bad' style periodic table fabric! I love them!

I'm sorry I've not got everyone on there - I could have kept going for ever - but I do look at everything that you send over to me via twitter and Facebook and email too so keep them coming!